Norfolk North West: New Boundaries 2023 Calculation

Norfolk North West: Overview

Prediction: CON

Implied MP at 2019:James Wild  (CON)
County/Area:Norfolk (Anglia)
Implied Turnout 2019:64.7%
Predicted Turnout:63.0%

CON Majority21,29843.5%2.7%

See overview of other seats in Anglia.

Chance of winning

Norfolk North West : Political and Demographic indicators

The table below shows some political and demographic numerical indicators for the new Norfolk North West constituency, the 'Anglia' area and nation.

The political measures include the three axes: Economic (Left/Right), National (Global/National) and Social (Liberal/Conservative). (what does this mean).

The demographic measures are from the 2021 Census and include categories relating to national identity, economic activity, health and education. These categories are those which have the most relevance to political attitudes.

Indicator Seat AngliaAll GB
Party Winner 2019CONCONCON
Party Winner 2017CONCONCON
Party Winner 2015CONCONCON
Economic Position10° Right9° Right
National Position18° Nat7° Nat
Social Position10° Con3° Con
TribeStrong Right
EU Leave %65%56%52%
Average Age53.850.549.5
Good Education39%48%49%
Car owner83%84%77%
Ethnic White95%86%83%
ABC1 Class46%58%56%
Gross Household Income£38,660£45,686£42,397
Average House Price£280,130£352,365£313,528
Indicators: Legend and Descriptions
View descriptions and colour schemes of the table

The colour scheme used in the table above is explained in the legend table below. The eight census indicators (British Identity, Good Health, UK Born, Good Education Good Job, High SEC, Average Age and AB1 Class), 'Gross Household Income', 'Individual Disposable Income' and 'Average House Price' all use the same 'Census' colour scheme indicating whether the area's level is above or below the national average.

TopicCat 1Cat 2Cat 3Cat 4Cat 5
Economic Position Very Left Left Centrist Right Very Right
National Position Very Global Global Centrist National Very Nat
Social Position Very Lib Liberal Moderate Conservative Very Cons
EU Leave % Very Remain Remain Balanced Leave Very Leave
Census Very Low Low Medium High Very High

Indicator definitions are given in terms of political data definitions or census categories:

Definition / Included Census Categories
Party WinnerArea party winner : actual election result or projected by Electoral Calculus
Economic PositionEconomic position between 100° Left and 100° Right, estimated by Electoral Calculus from political and demographic data.
National PositionNational position between 100° Global and 100° National, estimated by Electoral Calculus from political and demographic data.
Social PositionSocial position between 100° Liberal and 100° Conservative, estimated by Electoral Calculus from political and demographic data.
TribeTribe group dominant in the area. Can be: Strong Left, Traditionalists, Progressives, Centrists, Somewheres, Kind Young Capitalists, or Strong Right. See details.
EU Leave %EU Referendum vote share for 'Leave' : actual result or estimate
Average AgeAge (TS007A)Average age of adults (18 years and above)
Good EducationHighest level of qualification (TS067)Level 3 (A-level equivalent) or Level 4+ (degree equivalent)
EmployedEconomic activity status (TS066)Part-time, full-time employed or self-employed
HomeownerTenure (TS054)Own a property with or without a mortgage, or with shared ownership
Car ownerCar or van availability (TS045)In a household with at least one car or van
MarriedLegal partnership status (TS002)Married or civil partnership
Ethnic WhiteEthnic group (TS021)White British, Irish, Gypsy, Roma or other
ChristianReligion (TS030)Christian or Christian denomination (NI)
ABC1 ClassApproximated Social Grade (SG002)Approximated social grades A, B and C1
Gross Household IncomeMedian gross household income, including cash benefits, but before tax. Values as at 2018. Source: ONS Small area estimates (E&W), Scottish Government (Scotland), plus additional Electoral Calculus modelling.
DeprivationHouseholds by deprivation dimensions (TS011)Fraction of households which are classed as deprived on one or more of the following four indicators: employment (unemployed or long-term sick); education (no good GCSE); health and disability (bad health or long-term problem); and housing (overcrowded, shared or no central heating).
Average House PriceAverage residential property price (including flats and houses) around 2019. Sources: Land Registry, Statistics Scotland, NI Department of Finance

Norfolk North West: Map

Boundary Lines courtesy of Ordnance Survey OpenData © Crown copyright 2021, Map © OpenStreetMap contributors

New seat: Norfolk North West

The new seat of Norfolk North West is made up of the following wards, with the predicted ward winners shown if there were a general election tomorrow.

New seat: Norfolk North WestActualPredicted
Old SeatGE19
King's Lynn and West NorfolkBircham with Rudhams2,251Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkBrancaster2,072Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkBurnham Market and Docking2,119Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkClenchwarton2,281Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkDersingham5,112Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkFairstead3,716Norfolk North WestCONLAB
King's Lynn and West NorfolkGayton and Grimston4,781Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkGaywood Chase1,835Norfolk North WestCONLAB
King's Lynn and West NorfolkGaywood Clock1,854Norfolk North WestCONLAB
King's Lynn and West NorfolkGaywood North Bank6,364Norfolk North WestCONLAB
King's Lynn and West NorfolkHeacham4,513Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkHunstanton3,739Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkMassingham with Castle Acre2,430Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkNorth Lynn3,157Norfolk North WestCONLAB
King's Lynn and West NorfolkSt Margaret's with St Nicholas3,161Norfolk North WestCONLAB
King's Lynn and West NorfolkSnettisham2,255Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkSouth and West Lynn3,040Norfolk North WestCONLAB
King's Lynn and West NorfolkSpringwood2,077Norfolk North WestCONLAB
King's Lynn and West NorfolkTerrington3,823Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkTerrington821Norfolk South WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkThe Woottons5,555Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkWalsoken, West Walton and Walpole1,710Norfolk North WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkWalsoken, West Walton and Walpole2,974Norfolk South WestCONCON
King's Lynn and West NorfolkWest Winch3,946Norfolk North WestCONCON
 Total75,586 CONCON

And these are the predicted results for the new seat of Norfolk North West if there were an immediate general election. Please note that the wards used are those of 2024.

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